Saturday, December 18, 2010

Randy Quaid's wife misses Calif. court hearing

Actor and spouse are seeking asylum in Canad

Image: Randy and Evi Quaid
Jonathan Hayward  /  AP
Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, have failed to appear at any court hearings.
The Associated Press
It's another missed court date, another arrest warrant for Randy Quaid's wife, Evi.
The 47-year-old failed to appear for a probation hearing Thursday in Santa Barbara and faces a new $100,000 arrest warrant, Deputy District Attorney Anthony Davis said.
At the hearing, Evi Quaid's attorney, Robert Sanger, withdrew from the case. He declined comment Friday in an e-mail.
Randy and Evi Quaid are wanted in the coastal city for a felony vandalism case in which they're accused of causing more than $5,000 damage to the guest house of a home they once owned. Neither has shown up for any court hearings since a criminal case was filed in October and have already forfeited $1 million in bail.
They remain in Canada, where they are seeking asylum from a group they have dubbed the "Hollywood star-whackers."
Randy Quaid faces immigration hearings there to determine whether he should be allowed to remain in Canada and whether he should be granted refugee status. His next hearing is scheduled for Dec. 22...

Evi Quaid, who is on probation for a misdemeanor defrauding an innkeeper case in Santa Barbara, has indicated she doesn't want to leave her husband to deal with the California case.
Randy Quaid is the older brother of actor Dennis Quaid. He is best-known for his roles in films such as "National Lampoon's Vacation" and "Independence Day," but won a Golden Globe award — which he brought to court during one of his appearances in the innkeeper case — for his depiction of President Lyndon Johnson in a TV movie in the late 1980s.
Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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