Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas…Oh, Scandalous Ones!

Merry Christmas...Oh, Scandalous Ones!
Merry Christmas...Oh, Scandalous Ones!
Dear Oh, The Scandalmongers,
What a year, what a journey, what a fantastic roller coaster ride! And you know what, it’s been a bloody pleasure having you on board, riding pillion with yours truly, and the rest of the inimitable OTS gang.
I’m not going to turn this into a Werther’s Original moment, but I have to come clean; and in doing so, some pesky sentimentality might squeeze through around the edges.
Thank you all for your loyal readership, continued support and unquenchable thirst for the very finest celebrity news and gossip this little man can purvey.
We’re aiming high for 2011. BIG plans, babies. And, in true Rocky Horror style, we ask you to sit back, take the weight off your stillies, and give yourself over to absolute gossip pleasure…
Have a cracking one, darlings!
From all the Oh, the Scandal! team.

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