Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Pope's message: Your reaction

Pope Benedict's Christmas message for the UK has been broadcast as Thought For The Day on the Today programme on Radio 4. Do you welcome the Pope's message?
It is the first time that the Pontiff has addressed a Christmas message especially for one of the countries he has visited during the year.
Gwyneth Williams, the controller of BBC Radio 4, has said she is "delighted Pope Benedict is sharing his Christmas message with the Radio 4 audience".
However, the decision has been criticised by Terry Sanderson president of the UK's National Secular Society (NSS). "After the overkill from the BBC during the Pope's visit, this indicates the corporation's obsession with religion, whereas the nation is largely indifferent to it," he said.
Did you listen to the Pope's message? Are you happy the Pope's message was broadcast on Thought for the Day? Do you think the nation is increasingly indifferent to religion?

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