Saturday, December 25, 2010

Donald Trump Defends ‘Sexy’ Miss USA Pics

Miss Georgia Cassady Lance
Miss Georgia Cassady Lance
Donald Trump’s Miss USA pageant has hit the headlines again.
Last year it was holier-than-thou Carrie Prejean dropping her bra straps and choking on her halo. This year it’s lacy lingerie and fishnets causing the stink.
It’s a blatant manufactured ‘controversy’ if ever there was one.
Promotional shots of this year’s Miss USA pageant contestants have been released to the masses, and they’ve raised a few eyebrows.
Trump, who helms the pageant, has now defended the “glam” shots.
“Whether we like it out not, beautiful women will always attract ratings,” Trump told Ryan Seacrest.
“I think they’ve maybe gone a little over the top this year, I have some great people running it, but these pictures are a little wild. [But,] the girls are incredible.”
He added to The Insider: “We are in a different age. They are a little bit sexy but I’ll tell you what – everybody’s watching, so I have no problems with it.”

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