Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mike Tyson to Provide Lunch Out

Mike TysonMike Tyson is set to make a career change. He will no longer be just a former championship boxer. He will soon be a restaurateur.
Mike Tyson is in preliminary talks with investors to open up several high-end Kosher restaurants. Tyson has switched to an all vegan diet since the spring of this year. He has entered talk with Jewish businessman Moshe Malamud.  The name and concept of the eateries is still being discussed.
I have to say, I am completely enamored with the idea of Mike Tyson’s Lunch Out. Imagine sitting down to lunch and being served an actual Soda Popinski. You could also get an open faced Bald Bull sandwich. The possibilities are endless.
I will sit back and await the final results. But I better be supplied with a Piston Honda noodle bowl when all is said and done. If that is too much trouble, I will gladly help myself to the King Hippo salad bar.

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