Friday, November 26, 2010

What Was the Best and Worst TV Show of 2010?

Glee, Walking Dead, Gossip Girl, The Office Giovanni Rufino/CW, AMC, Chris Haston/NBC, Adam Rose/FOX
More from Watch with Kristin Glee, was it good or bad? The Office, good or bad? The Walking Dead, good or bad? Gossip Girl, good or bad?
These are the questions we're asking you TV fans to tackle as we gear up for our year-ending Pollapalooza! We're giving you small-screen lovahs the chance to pick the best and worst series of 2010 (out of each and every show that aired this year), so speak now or shudder in horror as your favorite shows get slammed...
In the coming weeks, we'll be releasing our picks for the best and worst TV series of 2010, and also giving you the chance to crown your own winners and losers. But we want to make sure we don't leave any valid options out.
So, tell us, which TV shows are you most thankful for on this glorious Turkey-lurkey day? And which are you hoping will go away? Anything that aired in 2010 is game!

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