Thursday, November 25, 2010

Epic Harry Potter Prank!

harry potter inspired prank played on mta nyc transit
Check out the photo (above) to see the most epic Harry Potter-inspired prank in history! In fact, it may be one of the best pranks in history IN GENERAL!
An absolute genius Somebody placed a circle that reads "9 3/4" on the 14th St. Union Square subway sign in NYC.
For those of you not in the know, you should be ashamed of yourself that's the number for the platform where students board the train to Hogwarts.
It looks REALLY spot on! Could the MTA have been involved? Warner Bros? Both of them?
Here's what MTA spokesperson Kevin Ortiz had to say about it:
"We are not part of any sort of Potter campaign, but I've seen things like that before."
If the guilty party comes forward, they'll be subject to a $75 fine and it will be worth every penny.

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