Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kanye West Goes on Insane Concert Rant, Possibly Compares Matt Lauer to Child Abuser

Kanye West is out of his mind.
The rapper went on a VINTAGE Kanye rant last night in his New York concert, going off on everything from Taylor Swift and George W. Bush to the Today show.
Of the VMA debacle, he said "If I wasn't drunk, I woulda been on stage longer," then accused Swift of milking it, saying she "rode and rode" the wave of publicity.
Kanye is Krazy
Regarding the former President, West said his post-Katrina criticism of George Bush was "a BLATANT truth" ... then lambasted the media for demonizing Bush.
He also brought up the Today show drama again, reiterating his belief that Matt Lauer sabotaged him and ran a clip from his Q&A with Kanye out of context:
"Matt Lauer's not a bad guy I'm sure, but if you're a child being abused by a parent ... or a girl being abused by your boyfriend ... the greatest win that you could ever have is for that person to hit you in public. You SEE! YOU SEE! I TOLD YOU!"

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