Thursday, November 25, 2010

Former bad girl has QUITE the history with The Law...!

Good lord! This girl has gone and really EFFED herself!

Former Bad Girls Club castmember Catya Washington is in big trouble following her November arrest for gun and drug posession charges, and has been stuck behind bars since that day because she could not afford her $500,000 bail!
However, she has since managed to come up with the funds and was released yesterday, but now she's already chosen to waive her right to a preliminary hearing, and will be due in court on December 13th.
On top of THAT, she has ANOTHER preliminary hearing that she plans to attend scheduled the following day, December 14th, regarding previous offenses that include charges of aggravated assault, robbery, conspiracy, theft and related counts!
And if that's not enough, she is expected in community court in April for a summary trial related to a fighting charge she received in July!
ClASSy with a capital C, indeed!
We imagine that we won't be seeing that one on any more reality TV for quiiite some time!
Actions have consequences, bb! And you seem to be consistently failing to keep that in mind!

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