Sunday, October 31, 2010

Katie Price: I wanted to kill myself when I was married to Pete

Jordan has mixed feelings about ex-husband Peter Andre
Katie Price | Peter Andre | Celebrity | Makeup | beauty | now magazine | charmian harris
Katie Price and Peter Andre were married for 3-and-a-half years
Although Katie Price has dedicated her new autobiography You Only Live Once to ex-husband Peter Andre, she says she was desperately unhappy during their 'prison sentence' of a marriage.
After the couple's son Junior, now 5, was born, she had the post-baby blues so badly, she even contemplated suicide.
'One night I felt I couldn't carry on any longer feeling so weighted down with depression,' recalls Katie, 32.
'I got into my car in the middle of the night and drove away with no clear idea of where I was going.
'I ended up pulling into the car park of Harvey's nursery. For a few desperate, confused minutes I seriously considered driving into a brick wall - at least then I wouldn't feel like this any more, it would all be over.'

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