Sunday, October 31, 2010

Justin Bieber Being Investigated Over Laser Tag Mishap

TORONTO — Canadian pop star Justin Bieber is under police investigation over an alleged laser tag game mishap with a 12-year-old. Bieber, 16, was trying to avoid getting tagged during a game on Friday and accidentally knocked over the unidentified boy, whose injuries were minor, The Vancouver Sun reported on Sunday.
However, other reports suggest that there may have been more to the incident.
Justin Bieber“A bunch of 12-year-olds surrounded Justin inside the laser tag maze and started shooting at him,” said blogger Zack Taylor on NBC’s TODAY.  “Like any other kid playing laser tag, he bolted right through the laser tag area and accidentally hit one of the 12-year-old kids in the face.”
The 12-year-old’s father reported the incident to the police, saying that his son was assaulted and sustained minimal injuries. No medical attention was needed.
Other blogs report that Bieber may have been the victim of jeers at the arcade.
“According to reports, some kids were taunting him with homophobic remarks and that may have started the whole altercation,” said Kristin Benson, editor at
“There is an active investigation,” Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokeswoman Corporal Annie Linteau told the paper. “We are in the process of interviewing a number of people that saw what might have happened.”
Bieber is due to perform a show in Vancouver on Tuesday.

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