Sunday, October 31, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Wise to Secret Photos

jennifer aniston life2 197x300 Jennifer Aniston Wise to Secret PhotosWhile Jennifer Aniston admits to being technically challenged, she’s still wise to when someone’s secretly snapping her photo.

“My favorite move is when people pretend that they’re on the phone,” Aniston, 39, says in next Sunday’s The New York Times Magazine, “and they kind of dial and take the picture at the same time. You hope they’re doing it for themselves – that they’re not thinking, ‘I’m going to dine out on you.’”

Yet the actress also admits to being in awe of the tech-savvy. “I’m really computer illiterate,” she says. “When I see people on their BlackBerrys, working them like some girls work a hairdryer, I’m just stunned. People have sent me clips from or YouTube, but I never seek it out.”

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