Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sarah Palin's Alaska Shot Down After One Season

Sarah Palin Gilles Mingasson/TLC
For all those who enjoyed watching Sarah Palin conquer the land of blatant self promotion Alaska, we have some disappointing news for you...
It looks like Sunday's season finale will be the last time you'll experience this, um, pleasure.
MORE: Aaron Sorkin to Sarah Palin: "You witless bully"
Entertainment Weekly reports that there are no plans to send maverick producer Mark Burnett back to Wasilla, which is their way of breaking the following news: the first season of Sarah Palin's Alaska also appears to be its last. When contacted by E! News, TLC offered no comment.

Although the TLC show attracted 3.2 million viewers and although insiders say the ex-governor enjoyed doing the show more than she anticipated, it seems that it was she, not the cable net, who decided to quit while she was ahead. Well, who decided to quit.
But why?
Well, for one, doing another season might indicate that she's not serious about running for office again. And if Palin decides to run, she would save TLC from the hassle of having to give equal-time on the network to other candidates.

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