Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Page Scully! Mulder Wants To Do Another Movie!

We're sure there are still enough fans out there who would relish in a reunion, so hopefully FOX will get behind this.
David Duchovny, best known to the world as Agent Fox Mulder, has revealed to sources that he would be very interested in making another X-Files movie. Futhermore, he reveals that his partner in crime, Gillian Anderson, and the man behind the series, Chris Carter, are both "game" to reprise the franchise as well. All that's standing in their way is the studio and the story. He explains:
"I’m always game. It always rides on Fox. [Chris Carter] is game. I know [Gillian Anderson] is game. We all, at this point, love the show. We all, at this point, would love to work with one another again. We’re all good friends and miss one another, and miss working together.
We worked together so hard for so long, so closely. We had some ups and downs personally, sure. But in the end, they are really like family to me. We’re all like this little X-Files family and I, for one, would love to continue. And I think there’s a lot left in the show. You know? And I think we can continue to make good movies.

It’s just a matter of spending enough on a movie that can compete in the summertime. We made a movie and released it in the summer, but it wasn’t really a blockbuster movie. And it got kind of overshadowed by the bigger ones. So, we’re saying, make us big. We’ll fight with the big boys.”
Money we're sure FOX has got. Honestly, if you guys could pitch an awesome story, we can't see why they wouldn't shell out for a third flick. The studios LOVE to roll with franchises and your's was a pretty big deal back in the day.
Would U want to see another X-Files movie get made?

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